It is with great pleasure to welcome you and your youth to the Youth Ministry program at Our Lady of the Angels Catholic Church. OLA Youth Group is open to all students from 6th-12th grade and meets, weekly, year round on Sundays from 6:15PM-8PM in Sacred Heart Hall.
Youth Ministry Values
- Welcoming: Engaging youth in relationships with their peers in which every member shares the same moral values and catholic teachings.
- Relevant: Meeting youth where they are in their lives and in their language to foster spiritual growth.
- Integrated: Teaching our youth to become engaged participants in all aspects of the Church.
What a Meeting Looks Likes:
It is strongly encouraged that all youth attend the Sunday 5PM Mass
6:00pm – 6:15pm - Youth arrive, food is served and they break out into groups
6:15pm – 6:30pm - “Welcome”, prayer and small ice breaker
6:30pm – 7:15pm - Main talk/activity/small group breakout/prayer
7:15pm – 7:30 / 7:45pm - Recap, closing talk, announcements, & prayer
Who Should Attend:
The youth ministry program is the sole source of catechesis education for youth in grades 6-12th. This also includes students seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation. First year Confirmation students should register for youth group (so that we have all of your contact and sacramental information), attend regularly on Sundays and attend the annual confirmation retreat. The following, year two students, will have the same requirements with some additional required Confirmation prep meetings.
The program has been put in place using the New Evangelization model of Discipleship. Through the use of small groups and discipleship mentoring by adults and peers every youth is given the opportunity to grow in their faith at their level of understanding and comfort. All content used in the program meets the guidelines set by the USCCB.
How to Attend:
Any youth in grades 6th-12th are welcome to join the youth group. The most current meeting times are available online by clicking on events. All meetings are held in Sacred Heart Hall unless noted otherwise.
Upon arrival you will check in at the front door and let an adult know you are new. They will help see that you are with the appropriate group and that you are welcomed by fellow youth group members. You will also be given the following forms that need to be filled out and brought to a future meeting.
- OLA Registration Form
- Diocesan Consent Release of Liability and Indemnification
- Diocesan Medical Authorization
- Diocesan Photo Release
Click here to download.
NOTE: Our Lady of the Angels is a parish within the Diocese of Venice in Florida. All contact information obtained from these forms may be used by Diocesan Departments to inform you/your child of upcoming Catholic events or to share spiritual words of encouragement.
Should you have any questions or concerns that you would like to discuss about our program or about your youth please contact:
Spence McSorley
Director of Religious Education & Youth Ministries
youth@olangelscc.org941-752-6770 x 104