
Youth Volunteer Opportunities.

The youth group offers many ways for youth to be involved. While coming to the weekly meetings is important, it is highly recommended that the youth participate in some of the “special” service and spiritual events offered throughout the year. Every “special” event has been chosen to exemplify the teachings presented during the year and will help to engage youth in their community, grow spiritually, improve the understanding of catholic teachings through “real-life” witness and to realize the joy of serving.

 The following is a list of “Special” events that students may participate in:

  •  Night of Joy – The event is held in September and is available for grades 6-12.
  •  Youth Rally – The Diocese of Venice hosts some of the biggest named Catholic speakers in Punta Gorda  to tackle the latest topics that concern youth today. The one day event brings together youth from the  entire diocese and provides a chance for spiritual growth along with participation in all the Sacraments of  the Catholic Church. The event is held in November and is available for grades 6-12.
  •  March for Life – Together with the Diocese of Venice, OLA youth group flies to Washington DC for the annual March for Life.  Through real-life testimony the youth are able to better understand the importance of the right to life for all human beings. The event is held in January and is available to grades 9-12.
  • Steubenville / Ave Maria Youth Conference – The event is held in July and is available to grades 9-12
  • World Youth Day – The event is every three years in August and is available to 11th graders and up to young adults.
  • Mary’s Way of the Cross – The event is done the last Friday of Lent and is available to grades 6-12th.
  • Easter/Christmas Social – Available to grades 6-12.
  • Vacation Bible School – The event is in August and is open to grades 6-12.
  • Confirmation/First Communion Retreat – The events are usually held in spring.
  • Summer Fun Trip – Usually occurs the first month of summer break and is open to grades 6-12.
  • Contemporary Mass – Held every Sunday at 5PM and all grades 6-12 are encouraged to get involved as lectors, Eucharistic ministers, ushers and hospitality.
  • Praise Band – Practice is held every Sunday at 3:30pm and sing during the 5pm Mass. All grades 6-12 are encouraged to participate.
 Parent Volunteer Opportunities

 While it is very important that our youth get involved it is also important that our parents are living out the  examples they want their children to learn.  The youth ministry program offers many ways for the parents  to get involved either with their teen or through outside supportive roles of the youth ministry program.

 The following opportunities exist:

 Core Team
 Parent Group
 Service Team
 Spiritual Team
 Fundraising Team

 To get involved please contact youth@olangelscc.org or

Become an Adult Volunteer

This summer the youth group is seeking adult volunteers to mentor our youth for the 2016-2017 year. The time committment can range from weekly to quarterly. If you have ever considered giving of your time and talents we are in need of you. This isn’t just a job for teachers. We need young adults just starting out, to the most experienced professional to mentor our middle and high youth. Please don’t ignore the call. Sign up to help today.


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