Listen. Think. Act.
That is a mantra or slogan for many different groups. Some seek to battle prejudice and bias. Other groups hope to eliminate poverty or reduce crime. I have even found some companies use it as a way of increasing engagement among their employees. In a nutshell, it is about taking in what you have heard and then reflecting on it before you act. The most fruitful actions are those that take place after careful reflection.
This is an important thing to remember for those trying to live a stewardship way of life. If we are honest with ourselves, too often most of us jump to conclusions too quickly or act in ways that cause friction because we didn't really think about the consequences of our actions. We are moving too fast in a world that seems to be moving ever faster.
When the shepherds came to visit Jesus, the newborn King, they told Mary everything that the angels had told them. Luke tells us that after hearing all this, she "kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart." No response. No panic. No action. Her reflection was the appropriate response.
In this New Year, you and I would do well to remember this Gospel account of Mary, the Mother of God. Let us resolve to listen more, reflect often, and then act accordingly. We are called to use our gifts wisely, sowing them in good soil. If we just throw them out, allowing them to simply fall wherever they may, have we really used them for God's glory? We need to listen. Think. Then act.
Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS